2022 Clean the Bay Day

Group trash pickup
Group trash pickup


Welcome to the Huntington Clean the Bay Day page.

The Huntington Community has done a wonderful job over these past weeks cleaning up much of our neighborhood. And on Earth Day, we picked up half a dozen big bags of trash from the local levee!

Clean the Bay Day is a long-standing Virginia tradition more than three decades in the making uniting communities all over the Chesapeake Bay.

For residents of Huntington neighborhood, we will be picking up trash on the far side of the levee on the gravel road and if you have a kayak or something similar, we also have a group cleaning up directly on the water.

Ideal clothing and tools to bring/wear:

  • ​Long pants to protect you from mosquitoes and poison ivy
  • Gloves to protect you from sharp objects
  • Trash bags to collect the trash (you will be disposing of it yourself in your own bins)
  • Bottled water
  • OPTIONAL: Grabbers to pick up the nasty stuff


This annual event introduces participants to some of the greater, unseen problems the Bay watershed faces such as degraded habitat, polluted runoff, and nitrogen and phosphorus pollution. 

Clean the Bay Day shows us that we all can be environmental stewards of our waters.

One of the most rewarding aspects of Clean the Bay Day is the ability to make a difference together with the people we love.  We hope you will join our efforts by donating or joining our team! Together we will take steps toward clean water, clean air, and sustainable resources for all.

By participating in Clean the Bay Day, our team has taken the pledge to get outside, pick up litter, and work to improve the wellbeing of the 18 million people and 3,000 species of plants and animals that call the watershed home. 

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